Principal’s Message

The Govt. Niranjan Keshrawani College, Kota was established on the 3rd September 1984 as a result of the vision and efforts of Late Pt. Rajendra Prasad Shukla, the first speaker of the Chhattisgarh State Assembly, who was himself a man of letters and a poet of repute. Kota is a Tehsil place under Bilaspur district and is 32 Km. away and We are connected by Railway and road.The College is recognized under UGC Act under – 12B, 2f .The two storied College building is situated by the side of Kotesagar pond – a locally famous site along which a religious fair is held every year during Maghi Purnima. The college has 15 Acres of land under its possession and is equipped with 03 sports fields volleyball, Basketball, Cricket and Kabaddi. . To develop innovative and professional instructional programmes to cater the needs of students of the State of Chhattisgarh. To create an ambience for quality teaching-learning and skill development and its upgradation.


Infrastructure : :

College building is double storied edifice having all the necessary facilities and amenities such as, Girls Common Room, Toilets for ladies and gents, well equipped conference room, staff-room for faculty and the office. Each department has its own separate Deptt. room. All science departments have fully equipped laboratories. In addition, there is also a botanical garden under Botany department (Photo) A canteen is also available for the students. A newly constructed guest house is ready for take over. A Chokidar quarter is under construction.

Prof. B. L. Kashi


Govt. Niranjan Kesharwani College Kota

Dist.-Bilaspur (C.G.)